Awareness Of What?

I've read a couple of pieces this week discussing what the purpose of diabetes awareness month should be.  Awareness is the obvious answer, but awareness of what?

Should it be awareness that people with diabetes can do anything people without diabetes can?  No foods are forbidden. There are famous athletes, musicians, and supreme court justices with diabetes.  My kid can come to your kid's birthday party, whatever it may entail.

Should it be  awareness that diabetes is a terrible disease to live with?  It involves piercing the skin with sharp objects many times per day.  Cumbersome equipment and its related management is a constant.  Horrific complications and impending demise are around every corner.

Should it be advocacy for a cure?  Don't cut national funding for medical research.  Allow scientists to use all the tools at their disposal to find a way to erase diabetes.  Donate to JDRF or DRI or ADA.

Should it be an increased sense of community?  Wear blue on Fridays, and today (she writes, realizing she sent her daughter to school in purple...).  Send postcards to each other with blue circles on them.  Blog more.

Or is it simpler than all that?  Maybe simple awareness, though obvious, is the true purpose, and any of the above will do.  Whatever it is that means the most to me, or you, is what we should do.  The important part is not how we share the message, but that we do it at all. 

Diabetes exists, and we'd rather it didn't anymore.  Please be aware of that.

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