First Days of High School

So far high school is overwhelming and scary. Not as much so as we'd conjured up in our imaginations, but it's a big new building with a whole new cast of characters and a whole new set of expectations.

If we make it through tonight's first football game, we might be able to breathe again.

Diabetes has, thus far, not thrown any major curveballs.  A couple of borderline (70ish) lows were treated with glucose tabs in the classroom.  The Dexcom has been alternating between impressive accuracy and short bouts of '???' for a couple of days.  Extreme hunger has been reported at lunchtime and we're searching to find a lunchbox addition which doesn't lead to a major blood sugar spike an hour later, but which isn't 'boring.' 

Most significantly, we've already switched up the school nurse game plan.  When we met in June, we decided my daughter would handle her diabetes independently at school unless she was low or otherwise decided she needed assistance. When I dropped off the supplies before Labor Day, the nurse had qualms about being completely out of the diabetes loop. She wasn't asking for my daughter to visit daily or check her blood sugar in the nurse's office. She just wanted to be able to track how things were going.

I had no objection to her being in the know. Ideally she's part of our diabetes success team. If she notices something we don't (like my daughter is crashing half an hour after every time she has gym) we'd welcome the help.  I just didn't know what the best plan was.  Maybe turning in a log sheet at the end of the week, or downloading the school meter for her? We left it that we'd pass along data in some form by the first Friday of school. 

Leave it to the teenager to come up with the most logical game plan.  'Why don't I just text her every time I check or bolus?'  Of course.  Quick and easy.  No writing things down or remembering to stop by every Friday to hand in a log.  My daughter stopped by the office on the first day of school to say hello and to run this idea past the nurse, who enthusiastically agreed to give it a try.

Much of this week has been about finding the easiest and most efficient way to get through the day: planning the right times to go to the locker, finishing homework (already!) before band practice, the best routes through the hallways. Texting the nurse is another variation on the theme.


  1. Hi My daughter 12 just started junior high. She was diagnosed July 2 2015 the summer going into 6th grade. First day of 6th grade she stood up in class and told all the kids "Im diabetic. I take my blood sugar and I take insulin. I can eat whatever you eat. I can't eat poison." NOOOO problem with 6th grade all year. Now she is in Junior high new kids, new school, new teachers. Embarassment has set in and refusal to check blood sugars has offically kicked in. She has zero problem busting out her pump and dosing for whatever she eats, but she's clueless about her blood sugars after she leaves the house. I am struggling with this partially because I have been type 1 for 45 of my 47 years. I was/am by no means a saint and when I was a kid checking my blood sugar was a rarity, not now. I eat whatever and whenever. I want her to be that way too but she refuses to check. I need her to overcome her fear. I keep telling her "No one will care if you poke your finger. Just tell them "Im Diabetic and Im checking my blood sugar." Right, no big deal? Not to her. She says she doesn't want to tell kids she's not familiar with, she is diabetic. She doesn't want to answer the "What/why are you doing?" question. I hate punishing her for her disease. But I set my foot down and took her Iphone away today (I know that sounded very O.C. housewives trust me its not HA!)and said "you start checking consistantly then you get it back." Major crisis. I'm just not sure what to do anymore. I just need someone who is not me (and younger than me HA!) to talk with her and say "Ya gotta do it and here's why." Honestly, I just want someone who is/was in our exact situation to give me some sound successful advice. I've heard all kinds of "Well if it was me.." or "I would.." I need someone that has been there done that. Yes, we have a Dexcom but we all know that is not 100%. I always have her to check before meals. The Dexcom is great for trending but not always spot on. Thanx in advance.

    1. Thanks, Heather, for your comment and for reaching out.

      A couple of quick thoughts: Is there a new favorite teacher or staff member at the new school who your daughter might be responsive to your bringing into the conversation...or maybe a guidance counselor who could give her some perspective on her level of embarrassment vs. the reality of how kids would likely react? Also, we've had some success over the years with rewards and I'm wondering if something like the promise of a Saturday donut or extra screentime or an iTunes card infusion after a week of checking every day at lunch might help her develop the habit.
      Is there somewhere she can slip off and check or a way she can come up with to be super-discreet about it? Under her desk/lunch table in her lap? A classroom or other school area she could slip into for 2 minutes on the way to the cafeteria?
      Lastly, I know privacy is paramount, but can anyone in your district, or maybe your local JDRF chapter, help you identify anyone nearby who is her age or a couple of years older to meet up with?
      Good luck!


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