Nurse Perks

Happy National Nurse's Week!

My daughter has, for over 10 years, almost always enjoyed going to the nurse's office.

The minutes she was late for lunch in elementary and middle school were hard, and she never enjoys being low or needing a site change. But there are upsides to those nurse visits:

There's often something interesting going on in the office. An overheard phone call to a parent who doesn't want to pick up a sick kid. Or a bizarre gym injury. Or an update on the current plague, be it flu or lice or a lingering cold.

There's a kind, interested adult there. When the office is quiet, there's conversation. Our school nurses have known more about my daughter than most of her teachers and even some of her friends. And vice-versa. While killing the time it takes for a low blood sugar to come up they talk about family, vacations, restaurants, afterschool activities and more.

Teachers and other staff stop by. My daughter has overheard, and often been included in, conversations amongst school staff. It's pretty interesting to hear the 'grown-ups' talk. Some nurse's offices are adjacent to the main office, providing yet another interesting source of conversation and information.

There's air conditioning. This is no small plus in September or June around here. On elementary school field day, or as an escape from the south-facing third floor middle school classroom, a low-ish blood sugar was a free ticket to relief.

I'm incredibly grateful for the nurses who've sat in those offices over the years. Being concerned about and dealing with my child's medical needs are line items in their job descriptions. The relationships they've built with her, and the extra kindnesses along the way have been above and beyond.

Thank you, this Nurse's Week, to all the school nurses who make their offices a safe, pleasant and even desirable place for their kids with diabetes.

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