Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen sweet things about the past sixteen years with T1D:

1. My daughter was diagnosed in time.

2. Christmas in a children's hospital is not an experience I'd wish on anyone and yet was magical in ways no other Christmas could be.

3. She and I both survived the toddler diabetes years.

4. We found other families with diabetes quickly.

5. We continue to have diabetes people in our lives: friendships we treasure both despite and because of their diabetes glue.

6. Ruby, the teddy bear with diabetes, lives with us and continues to be a fuzzy source of support.

7. A perfect and welcoming preschool was, essentially, in our backyard.

8. I found the diabetes online community; and then I got to start a blog and revisit my second grade goal of being a writer when I grew up.

9. The elementary school nurse was a treasure; and her diabetes care was great too.

10. Friends' parents invited my daughter over for playdates, however uncomfortable they may have been.

11.Lots of friends and family have gone out of their way (especially in those early pre-pump years) to loop us in on menu plans and eating schedules, making our visits easy.

12. Teachers have kept an extra eye out, no matter the other chaos in their classrooms.

13. Schools have found a way to make trips, special events and after-school activities work.

14. We've had amazing medical professionals on our team.

15. Math has always come easily for my daughter (and my math skills have greatly improved).

16. My daughter has grown into a responsible, self-confident and compassionate young woman.

Sixteen years ago today we had a tough day. There have been quite a few tough diabetes days every year since then. But, from time to time, it's worth counting our blessings.

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