Sleepovers at friends' houses always pose dilemmas: uncertain menus, late night activity, relying on the Dexom for alerts of overnight issues, heavy breakfasts, and more; but this weekend was the first time I found myself in a quandary right here at home.
Home game sleepovers aren't completely uneventful, diabetes-wise. We've had to check blood sugars at 2 or 3 a.m. with another child in the room, and even had to give juice or corrections. To my knowledge the friend I desperately try not to step on as she dreams in her sleeping bag has never woken up. Snacks and bedtime involve a more structured routine than most of our guests are used to but they are, of course, kind and flexible as any good friends would be.
Sunday morning presented a new quandary though. I woke up at 7, and my daughter and her friend were, as expected, still silent in my daughter's room. The Dexcom read 80, straight across. At 7:30 it read 76 straight across and it was still very quiet in the house. At 8, it alarmed: 69. Here's my thought process:
At 2 a.m., the friend would certainly sleep through my barging in, but at 8 a.m., chances are good I'm going to wake her up. I don't want to do that. The sensor is only a day or two old and it seems to have been running a little low since we revved it up. It's probably just still a little bit off. And with the margin of error on all blood sugar readings if I wasn't running in there at 76, how different is 69, really? But, of course, what if it's off in the other direction and she's really 50 and I don't do anything about it? If she's 50, that's bordering on dangerous. But maybe it'll go back up.
By the time I'd hemmed and hawed over all of this, it was 8:20 and the Dexcom alarmed again: under 50. It buzzed four times since we had it set to vibrate first, then to beep if the vibration went unacknowledged. Now at this point, I'd been listening very intently, hoping for any sounds of life from the bedroom. I was pretty sure I'd heard my daughter moving around in her bed (there's a squeaky spring). So I put Dexi in the bathroom, on a shelf which backs up to the head of my daughter's bed. A minute or two later it blared, "beep beep beep beep!"
At which point I heard her get up, grab her meter and check, and get back into bed. It was still quiet. The rattles, clicks and beeps of the blood sugar check hadn't woken her friend.
Within 10 minutes, the line on the Dexcom graph started going back up. My daughter's friend woke up a few minutes before 9, and they came out for breakfast soon thereafter.
"I guess you corrected when Dexi alarmed at 8:20?"
"No- I was 88. I just got back into bed."
Should I have acted sooner? Probably. A severe low blood sugar emergency would have been worse for the friend to wake to than me creeping around her air mattress. But am I glad I didn't wake her up for nothing? I am. What would others have done in my shoes (or slippers)? I'd love to know.