It's Great- But It's Not For Us

Last week, the American Girl company started selling a diabetes care kit for dolls.  It's a great option for girls with diabetes and for those who love them.  Play is a great way to process all sorts of childhood experiences, including that of having diabetes. My daughter has spent countless hours playing with her teddy bears with diabetes- checking their blood sugars, providing them with pretend pumps, and feeding them carefully calculated treats at tea parties.

Her American Girl doll, however, does not have diabetes. And, as I wrote a couple of years ago in the post below, she does not want to. I double checked with both girl and doll, and neither wants the diabetes care kit.  They may want to visit the American Girl store to check it out, though. I definitely do.

The American Girl Store sells a variety of medical and dental accessories.  Depending on her needs, a doll could have her own allergy-free lunch, a wheelchair, a hearing aid, a retainer, or glasses.  These items allow children to make their dolls a bit more like themselves, or like people they know.
My daughter was perusing the catalog one recent afternoon, dreaming of all the items she'd own if we had a dedicated 'American Girl Wing' in our home.  She was considering whether her doll, Kit, would ever need a wheelchair.
"Maybe some day, they'll make an insulin pump for American Girl dolls," I thought out loud.
The reply was instant and adamant. 
"I wouldn't want one."
A pause. 
Then, "Why would anyone want that?"
"Why not?" I asked. 
"I wouldn't want Kit to have diabetes," was the quick reply.
"No?" I prompted, thinking about how much Kit has in common with my daughter.  She has a ballet outfit, a softball uniform, her own instrument and music stand, and tons of tiny books.
"Can you imagine me telling her she suddenly had diabetes?  She'd be so upset.  I wouldn't want to do that to her.  She wouldn't want to have diabetes."
Of course she wouldn't.  
Indeed, who would?

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