Meter Problem

We'd finished breakfast and were in the kitchen packing lunch.

"Mommy, did my pump just beep?"

"I don't think so, but check."

The pump seemed fine.  The beeps had come from elsewhere.  A scavenger hunt ensued.

Turns out it was coming from the glucometer.

It was still on the dining room table, all by itself.  It had suddenly decided it wasn't feeling right and needed to alert us.

"Meter problem.  Call customer service," it read, with a code.

Since she doesn't take the meter remote to school anyway, we just left it there and continued the mad morning rush out the door.

Once I'd gotten home and settled for the afternoon, I picked up the phone and called customer service.

I explained the chain of events to the representative and was put on hold.  She returned.

"Did it alarm when she was testing?"


"Was it when she was bolusing?"

" I said, it was all by itself in the dining room."

I was transferred to a 'meter specialist' (making me sort-of wonder what the first individual's credentials were).

I was asked to go through the chain of events again.  Did it happen before she tested?  No. Was she able to bolus?  Yes. Did it happen when I put a strip in now?  No.  Did it happen when I turned it on with a button press now?  No.  Was there an error code or just a service code?  Just a service code.  Was I sure?  Yes.  Did it work with control solution now?  Seemed to. (The fact that I was able to put my hands on control solution was nothing short of miraculous.)

It became increasingly clear that I'd stumped them.  So a new meter will be on my doorstep this week, at which point I'll send this one back for careful study and analysis.  Maybe it just wanted attention.

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